Programmes for Groups and Agencies

 The UIMP organises, curates and runs specific academic programmes in Spain for Spanish as a foreign language courses aimed at teenagers (minimum admission age: 16), university students (accredited curricular stays) and lifelong professional training (international companies and organisations).

In addition, university students and professionals can follow a more comprehensive programme in summer of Spanish language and culture with workshops, lectures, meetings and seminars that cover up-to-date topics with a standout scientific, social and humanities slant as part of the Advanced UIMP Courses at the La Magdalena Palace (Santander).

If you represent an overseas university, institution, company or agency and would like to arrange a training programme with the UIMP that adapts to the requirements of your group, we offer three different possibilities in Santander and at other UIMP campuses:         

1. Incorporating your group onto scheduled courses.
2. Programming one of our designed courses on dates that suit your group.
3. Designing a specific training programme for your university, institution or company that matches your requirements. 


Conditions for groups (pdf)
